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Creating and Distributing E-Courses
E-courses are excellent sales tools and a great way to get your knowledge out there. It is very simple to create your course and either sell, or give it away as a "give-before-you-get" sales technique. If your course is designed to be a freebie, you'll want to give a portion of good information; but don't tell them everything or they'll have no reason to make a purchase. If you are selling your course, make sure to jam pack it with everything you know, that way your customer will feel like they are getting a lot for their money (depending on how much you really know.) E-courses are simple to create because there is no need for fancy formatting, heading tags or conversions. E-courses are made in the same fashion as E-zines; by using plain text. For a sample of my 7 Day Mini Course, send an email to: minicourse@aweber.com. You will receive the first portion of the course in just a few minutes, and then for the next 7 days you will get an email with a new section attached. *AOL USERS BEWARE: The only complaints I have ever received about the course not being delivered were from AOL members. Here's a quick check list for creating your course: ? Pick your topic of expertise. ? Divide your material into specific sections. These topics will be your lessons. I advise starting out with a day-by-day course rather than splitting your material into weeks. ? Write an introduction to the course and a list describing upcoming lessons. ? If this is a free course: make sure to weave subtle hints throughout about all of the information that they are not receiving to give them incentive to purchase something (anything!) ? Once you have written your course, set up an account with a sequential auto-responder company. Every company will have different instructions for set up, but basically you will be cutting and pasting and they will deliver the e-mails/lessons at the appropriate time. ? Promote and advertise your course on your website, and send out a notice to your distribution list: let people know about it any way you can. Tom Antion provides entertaining speeches and educational seminars. He is the ultimate entrepreneur, having owned many businesses BEFORE graduating college. Tom is the author of the best selling presentation skills book "Wake 'Em Up Business Presentations" and "Click: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing." It is important to Tom that his knowledge be not only absorbed, but enjoyed. This is why he delivers his speeches laced with great humor and hysterical jokes. Tom has addressed more than 87 different industries and is thoroughly committed to his client's needs.
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What?s In Your Resource Box (SIG File)? One of the most important things you can do to improve your visibility and connect with customers or clients is to create a strong personal branding statement in your resource box. I'm not talking about adding your job title. I'm talking about including what it is you really do. Lesson #4: Six Powerful Places to Advertise Your Autoresponder! Once you set up your autoresponder account, now you need to start promoting it! There are tons of places and ways you can do that... But let me give you at least six to start with. The Secret Truth About Writing Great Sales Copy. Did you know that most people find it difficult to write sales copy that works? Three Ways You can Use the Ezines to Increase Your Sales ***1. FIRST PROMOTIONAL METHOD: Write ezine articles and submit to ezine publishers- Guaranteed Ways to Build Up Your Ezine List Here are tips gleaned from roughly 5 years spent building up an ezine list. I've also incorporated comments and tips from Jenna Glatzer, who successfully built her list up to 75,000 at her excellent site, www.absolutewrite.com Article Marketing: How to Submit Your Articles at Turbo Speed Want to become an article-writing machine? Here are a few tricks for submitting articles on the internet at top speed and accuracy. DOUBLE Your Profits from These TEN Tips on Sending Email Ads 1. Make your ad prominent: Win More Sales with Customer Newsletters - More Small Business Power Tools One of the most powerful ways for small businesses to increase sales and keep customers coming back for more is to mail them a newsletter periodically. 5 Quick Ways To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base Welcome to all of you out in netland. Article Marketing 202 -- Creating a Viral Lead-Generating Machine There is a simple system for creating a viral lead-generating machine. You can follow this system whether you have been marketing for years or for one day. How Ezine Ads Explode Your Online Income - Part 2 Here's a big tip ? the secret to succeeding with smaller ads is to set it up like a campaign over a few issues. If you go for the top ad, run the same promotion for 3-5 issues testing different ad copy (we'll get to some good ad writing tips in a minute). Now, what this does is it builds a rapport with the readers so you become a familiar and trusted presence in the ezine. As I've said countless times in this course, you cannot expect all customers to buy first time round, and by appearing in several issues of an ezine you're overcoming this problem and giving them more chance to click on your link and find out what the fuss is about. I would also recommend as part of your campaign to get at least one solo ad in there as well to heighten your familiar presence even more ? again, use the same link and the same product so this familiarity really hits home. With a solo ad being the first ad in your campaign and following up with top placement sponsor ads, you will be setting yourself up nicely there for some affiliate commission. 8 Things To Think About Before You Start Advertising Profitably In Ezines! Advertising in ezines is possibly the most effective way of generating fast sales. Ezine advertising also consumes very little of your time. However, ezine advertising does consume your money and can consume it very quickly if you're not careful. Here are 8 things, which if you think carefully about, will ensure that ezine advertising does not cost you more than you earn. Ezine Publishing: 5 Easy Smart Strategies To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base Do you publish an e-zine or newsletter? Achieving Success with Ezine Advertising Achieving success is clearly up to you, not to anybody else. In fact is a simple equation involving tools, work and goals. Assuming that the goal have been set and you are ready for a hard work, let's talk a little about tools. Not about all tools, but ezine advertising. Ezine advertising is the most affordable way of net advertising. There are about half million of ezines all around and the number is still increasing. If there are plenty of opportunities, doesn't mean it is an easy thing to do. On the contrary, you may choose ezine advertising only if you have good writing skills or if you afford to hire somebody to handle with your ads. What will be next? Let's se step-by-step First you must have clear in your mind the concept you want to promote. By 'concept' I mean not only the product/service but also things like market needs, target people, strong points, week points, opportunities and so on. Increase Your Business Success With A Free Newsletter Publishing a free newsletter is an effective and inexpensive marketing strategy with several business benefits. Here are some of those benefits: Use the Power of Ezines to Increase Web Site Traffic! If you don't have a list of your own then take advantage of someone else's to increase web site traffic! Ezine Advertising Deals Revealed Ezine (electronic magazine) advertising is a great method for exposing your offer to a targeted audience (niche). This type of advertising can be quite expensive though if you don't know what to look for. Volcanically Erupt Your Online Newsletter, Ezine or e-Course Opt-Ins in No Time Flat Are you ready to build your opt in email list quickly? How To Create Your Very Own Client Newsletter Using newsletters for business development improves your sales and marketing efficiency because they: Improve your prospecting by being more focused and personal than a newspaper ad; Generate referrals Ask your clients if there's anyone they can suggest who would appreciate receiving your newsletter, as it's much easier for someone to suggest an addition to your newsletter mailing list than to flat out give you a name to call; Build walls around present clients A newsletter keeps competitors away by repeatedly reminding your clients of your continued interest in them; Recover lost clients Many lost clients would like to revive their relationship with you, but don't know how, so add a personal note to a newsletter, and mail it to them; Enhance other practice-building techniques For example, when contacting a client you might mention something from a past issue that's applicable to his situation, and in seminars, speeches and client meetings, use appropriate issues of your newsletter as handouts or to explain certain points. Think of your client newsletter as an education tool, as well. It's a place to explain to your clients what they should know about your area of expertise, and how it relates to their situation. Look around at what other advisors are doing, and see what you think will work best for you and your clients. A little help from your friends When deciding on the type of content you are going to use in your newsletter, keep in mind that you don't even have to write it yourself. The internet is a vast source of all kinds of free content (e.g. EzineArticles.com) that you can cut and paste into your newsletter. Which format? Convinced of the power of this tool yet? Good. The next question is which type to use: a paper version to be mailed out to your clients by regular post or an electronic version to be e-mailed. If you decide on a paper-based newsletter, you may wish to also consider an e-mail version. Why? For starters, it's cheaper. Paper will cost you at least a dollar for each copy you have printed, folded, stuffed, stamped and mailed. But faxing or e-mailing as many as a thousand copies will cost you practically zilch (word of warning: I would suggest foregoing faxing altogether, as many people on the receiving end resent having their own paper wasted or their phone line tied up). An e-mail version is immediate and "in your face", whereas "snail mail" can take longer to cross the city than the ocean. As most of the benefits of a paper newsletter apply to an electronic one, why bother with a paper version at all? More people have postal addresses than e-mail addresses. A lot of your prospects and clients may not have fax or e-mail access or might just prefer a paper version. So go for both, but ease into your electronic version. Take a few months to get your routine established for consistent quality and delivery of your paper version before worrying about creating your electronic version. Bringing it to life When starting with your paper-based newsletter, keep it simple. When sending a monthly newsletter, I have always found one page to be enough - anything longer could end up in a pending file to be read later, maybe. Some advisors I know who send out a quarterly newsletter might put three or four pages together. Whatever your choice of length and number of issues per year is, start by sending your newsletter to your existing client list only. Include a cover letter with your first issue to announce what you're doing, why you're doing it and what to expect (i.e., no sales pitches!). Include phrases such as "let me know what you think of it," and a note to let your clients know they can be taken off the mailing list if they don't wish to receive future issues. Once your clients begin to receive it regularly (and you get up to speed on producing it), ask them if there is anyone else they know who would benefit from receiving your newsletter. The aim is to develop a relationship so recipients feel they know you as an expert in your field before you actually meet them. One important point to remember is to create a newsletter you can easily adapt to an electronic version. Then ask your paper-based subscribers if they'd prefer to have it e-mailed. Some may want both versions, which is great. They may want the paper version to take home, to file for future reference or even pass on to someone else. Always be consistent It's important that you establish a regular routine. Your delivery and quality of content can't be hit-and-miss, skipping some months because you were too busy or forgot about it. Your newsletter is a projection of you, so commit to getting it out on the same day every month (or three months, or whatever your timeframe may be), no matter what. If you don't do that, you'll just alienate your clients with your unreliable efforts. So get your preparation and distribution systems for your paper newsletter well established and working smoothly and consistently before you even think about transferring it to e-mail. E-mail requires the same regularity, but a totally different system. Make text look its best Here's another decision you'll have to make concerning your electronic version: Will your e-newsletter be plain text or HTML? HTML is what's used on the Internet and can be more graphically sophisticated that plain text. Some pros and cons of using HTML are: Pro: It looks better. The Public Speaking List Machine Do you do public speaking? Then you've got an automatic list machine! ![]() |
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